Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Follow me to WordPress! Blog is moving!

I think I have done the move. Think, because these past 3 days have been the first 3 days of me using WordPress! It has surely been a learning experience, but I think I am ready to post over there. Fingers crossed I dont have to jump back to Blogger out of frustration!

So please, follow me over to I will eventually close comments on this one, after I mess with WP some more. Thanks for all the support I got on Blogger! Hope to see you in WP!


  1. You can export your posts here and import them in Wordpress. I'll follow you anywhere!

    Peace <3

  2. No way to comment on the new blog.

    Plus, please know...wordpress blogs don't update well in Blogger blogrolls. So many people who have you there will not see updates.

    Don't know why you converted. Your blog here is awesome. Good luck over there. I doubt I'll be there all the time since WP blogs aren't real compatible with us Blogspot folks.

    Did you know you can have your own domain name in Blogger, too?

    Peace <3

  3. Jeez...Title is 5 lines long in Blog Roll. Your new Wordpress doesn't recognize me signed into Wordpress.

    Dare I ask? Why did you change?!?!?!?!

    Us Blogspot folks might not be able to easily follow.


    Peace <3

    1. Yeah, sorry. I think I've got it fixed, the comment part and the blog title. Just messing with it still.

      As to why, no specific reason. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll try to make it as easy as possible.

  4. I also can't comment on your new blog, it tells me I'm not logged in (I am). I tried from my computer and android.


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    وايضا وبكل دقة ونقاء وتعد افضل
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