Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What about warranties?

I'm a textbook introvert. Being outspoken does NOT come naturally for me, which is why I made it into a personal goal.

Maybe that is why I make such a big deal of my quest to get $1~$5 back from the grocery store when they mischarge me for something... which happens more often than I think should be statistically possible. But to quote from Evan Almighty (in the voice of Morgan Freeman): "If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous?". If that's the case, then He's surely giving me a run for my money.

This tale starts with my disappointment this weekend where I failed. I was trying to take advantage of some sales at Walgreens, and could not bring myself to ask someone for the location of the items that were on sale. I spent a total of 3 trips and still would not ask. I looked everywhere, and walked away empty handed. I was disappointed, but the higher powers waste no time providing me with a new opportunity.
(Disclaimer: Yes, I am a girl.)
This morning out of nowhere, I was thinking about the Instyler I use to do my hair. Thus far, it has been the only tool that can do my hair in under 3hrs. I've been using the Instyler for over 4 years now and wouldn't look elsewhere. The catch? It costs about $60 from eBay at the cheapest, and seems to last about 2yrs (to be fair, I use it for 1.5~2hrs at a time, once a week). Mine has been passing the 2 year mark, and the cracking has started.

I know I have to replace mine once it breaks, which could be anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months from now. Then this morning I did a quick search and found the same authorized seller on ebay. She always offered a 3yr warranty on these items. So I thought, why not? Sure, it's been 2 years, but it's worth a shot. I sent her an email with all the info and got a reply. She'll replace it free of charge. I get to keep the old one. I did include photos of the cracking and damage on the item, so I guess it isn't a rarity and the seller was aware. But for just 5min of trying, I just saved myself another $60. I also got my mouse replaced for free, as it had about a week of warranty left. From now on, I'm keeping all of my receipt and warranty info stored somewhere safe. You never know when you may use them again.


  1. Honestly I wish society would value all personality types and stop placing people with diarrhea of the mouth on a golden throne. There's nothing special about someone just because their gob never shuts...

    I also used to do some digging behind the words of what some extroverted people say and sometimes I realize they're talking talking talking but they have nothing truly to say.

    1. Strong words there. I don't think being extroverted is bad, nor is being introverted. It just creates situations such as mine that extroverts wouldn't even think as challenging.

    2. To add my belated two cents, extroverts think as they speak which is why they often do not make a lot of sense when they first start talking (especially to introverts). Introverts think and then speak. One isn't necessary bad or good. We just function differently. And it takes all types. Well...maybe not all types but some of them ;)

  2. I'm like you - I would walk around first a couple of times looking, but then I would ask :) I agree with dealingwithmoney - many times when you really listen to others it's just all talk and no substance. I had a previous boss like that. He could BS an explanation about anything - made him sound all smart and knowledgeable but he really isn't any smarter than quiet me, LOL. He went on to start his own consulting business - just up his alley!

  3. Good for you! :) If you don't stand up for yourself, who's going to? Be confident, everyone likes a confidant (not cocky!) person! :)

  4. By the way, you don't have to be a girl to use a flatiron on your hair. Or whatever that thing is. Conversely, I'm a girl and I don't use any type of heat on my hair. I try not to mess with my hair too much.

    1. Quite true. My hair is not very manageable often times without it.

  5. Tanner, weird question: are you a girl? I always thought you were a guy because of your name?

  6. Ha! I've been reading your blog only for a few weeks now and I am slowing working through old posts. I, too, because of your name, thought that you were a boy. And in one post you reference being a "guy" wearing a pink shirt. Anyway, I thought so many of your posts had a feminine quality to them that I just thought maybe you were gay. :) Anyway, I enjoy your blog--male or female.
