Monday, January 28, 2013

Where did that battery go?!

Apparently, there is a ghost in the tiny bitty room I rent. On Saturday night, I was passing some photos from my camera, which required me to take the battery out of the camera to get to the memory card. I was all bundled up in bed (because it was freezing!), and placed the battery somewhere in the comforter. Later, I had to get out of bed to grab something, and I heard the battery go down between the bed and the wall. The bed is in one corner of the room touching two walls. I thought: "No big deal, I'll retrieve it in the morning." Besides, who wants to move the mattresses and make noise at 9pm?
Camera and battery are this exact same model

So I let it go. The next day, I went under the bed looking for it. Odd; I couldn't find it. I looked a bit harder, then harder, then a lot harder. I stripped the bed, I took the mattress and leaned it against the opposite wall, same with the box spring. I took the whole bed frame apart (it's a simple wooden skeleton type). I couldn't find the battery. I emptied sealed boxes that were under the bed with my summer clothes. Nothing. I looked inside every shoe under the bed and nothing. Then I put the bed together again and emptied the closet, every single drawer, every single box or container and it wasn't there.

3.5hrs later of ransacking a room that's only 12.5ft x 9ft, I stripped the bed again, took pillows out of pillow cases, undid everything... and put it back together. No battery. I retraced the few steps I may have given between my room, the bathroom and the kitchen area, in the strangest case that maybe it got lugged in my hoodie and made off with me outside my room. Nothing still. Asked the landlords and they haven't seen it either.

So, how do you deal with these ghosts that take your stuff and make them disappear into thin air? Am I supposed to offer a sacrifice in exchange for my camera battery?!


  1. That happened to me before...I bet, you'll find it in a place where you looked at like ten times :)

    1. And then the second question begins... how did it go to point B from point A?

  2. That happen once with us and it was in between the wall and the woodwork in this little open space that we couldnt hit again if we tried.

    1. Funny, because I thought about it somehow making it under the carpet, but that's not possible without ripping the carpet away.

  3. I'd come help you look but my eyes are old now.....could you use a magnet on a string to find it? Nah...magnets and batteries might be a bad

    1. I actually thought about that! At this rate, I'd take it dead or alive. Just want confirmation I am not losing my mind.

  4. I hate when that happens.... makes you think you are losing your mind. Hope it shows up soon.

    1. YES! It definitely makes me feel like I'm losing my mind. There are not many ways it could've fallen, so it drives me nuts...

  5. That's crazy! Every time I lose something, it's always in a DUMB place. But you have a small space so how many crazy places could it be?? Did you check the windowsill? Haha. Is there a big giant air vent on the floor? I'm out of ideas.

    1. I did check the windowsill, but there's no space where it could've fallen outside of my room. Sadly. At least that'd give me hope I'm not going nuts. Or my room is possessed.

  6. I think we've all had this happen. It's very weird, isn't it? My guess is that it rolled (or hopped or skated) far away from where it fell. So look farther away from the bed.

    This reminds me of the time a battery (tootsie-roll-type AA battery) rolled off the top of the fridge and landed on its end; didn't bounce. Just sat there on end. I would not believe it, had I not seen it myself. I wonder how often in the universe that happens. (Now that I think of it, I wonder if I hallucinated this, but I can't believe it.)

    I can say for sure that I carelessly put a credit card on top of a car (slightly wet with rain) and drove 10 miles or more up interstate 95 to a mall and when I got there, the card was still there. That is no lie; I remember it well.

    1. I meant "because it's hard for even me to believe it." Up half the night with the cold from H-E-double chopsticks. Going to try to get some brain rest now.

    2. Haha. I did look farther than the bed... I turned the whole room upside down. I think I'll search today again, because now it's a mission to find that forsaken battery.
