Monday, December 5, 2011

Week Recap 12/05

Weeks run from Mon - Sun. Days not mentioned are no-spend days. Here's what happened last week:

-$4.87 - Bread and juice
-$40.00 - Gas for the car
-$15.53 - Stuff for the Christmas family. Still missing the doll and books.


And that's that. I can make it to Friday without spending any money, but I honestly don't want to. Hopefully being lazy gets the best of me and I don't shop at all. It only means that shopping on the weekend will be very expensive as I have to restock on a lot of things and pick my contact lenses!

Other than that, I promise to be slightly more active after December is through. You know how most jobs have a dead-busy season? Mid November through early January is mine. Add to that my deep feelings of hate dislike anxiety love for the holidays, and I don't think I could share a whole lot.

I am just a few gifts short to finish with this holiday season, unless I decide last minute to buy something for my older brother and dad. Right now, my only focus is that holiday family for work. I can't believe how expensive some simpler toys/things are, like books and dolls for a 2 year old. I really admire those of you that have families to buy gifts for, especially when there are younger children involved, and you keep it within budget. So kudos to all of you!


  1. Jealous, I still have a ton of Christmas shopping left.

  2. Remember if you need to talk(write)we are here

  3. When kids are six and under, you can pick up $5.00 gifts from the Family Dollar. And if the kids break the toys within two weeks, it only cost $5.00 and the kids love those cheap toys.
    Trying to help out!

  4. Oh, we're supposed to stick to a budget?? LOL, just kidding, though really I usually do go over budget!

  5. Family Dollar... Why didn't I think of that! I'll have to visit them over the weekend. Thanks!

  6. I'm tackling what's left of my Christmas list next week. I only got one gift so far.
